Soil Mixes

The key to successful landscaping and gardening is quality soil. Our soil mixes and compost add essential organics to your soil, improving its structure and reducing the amount or water and fertilizer required for healthy plants.

TOP SOIL (sandy loam)
DOUBLE MIX (topsoil + compost)
TRIPLE MIX (topsoil + compost + sand)

Compost (made from local green waste, produce waste, and manure) COMPOSTED MANURE (just like it sounds)

The product best suited to your needs will depend on the nature of your project, your existing soil type, and your budget. Please contact our friendly staff to answer all of your questions.

We stock a variety of products available in quantities from a pick-up load to thousands of yards:
We stock a variety of products available in quantities from a pick-up load to thousands of yards:

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